Take a break... a collection of interesting sites you can visit when you need a break.



Say "Hi" to iluli - a new website and youtube channel dedicated to making sense of technology, one byte at a time! If you love to learn about newest technologies and would like to further your knowledge about science, technology and engineering, then you can do that with iluli - for free!

A fun website that simulates fluid

Change the quality settings if its lagging too much on your system

Weave Silk

Draw stunning symmetrical images with the click of a mouse.


A simple but addictive game, you have 30 attempts to make one colour!

Earth Cam

See whats happening around the world

141 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena

Optical illusions don’t “trick the eye” nor “fool the brain”, nor reveal that “our brain sucks”, … but are fascinating!

Have an image with type and you don't know what the font is?Upload it and we’ll find the fonts that match.

BLACKLIGHT: A Real-Time Website Privacy Inspector

Who is peeking over your shoulder while you work, watch videos, learn, explore, and shop on the internet? Enter the address of any website, and Blacklight will scan it and reveal the specific user-tracking technologies on the site—and who’s getting your data. You may be surprised at what you learn.

FREE resources for design

This site present all the free resources for graphic designers in a neat magazine format, especially in Desktop.

Press the QWE keys and have fun, great little app.

100,000 stars takes you through a tour of our galaxy. Starting at the Sun, you’ll explore the far reaches of the galaxy with plenty of interesting factoids in-between.

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